Sugar Scrub FAQs

Most Common Questions & Answers

Q: Hey Wendala, how do I store these awesome scrubs?

A: Wendala’s products are  mixed with the very best quality ingredients and taking care of it will ensure it takes Super Good care of you. Best to screw the cap on when not in use but no biggie if you don’t. Just because the scrub looks “dry” Wendala assures you- the scrub is not “dried out”. As soon as you add water on you hand and Mushy-Mush- the scrub will work it’s magic!

Q: I've never used a Sugar Scrub before. What do I do with it?

A: Oh, Sugar! You're in for a treat! The natural oils and sugar crystals are perfectly made to exfoliate tired, dry skin and moisturize the healthy, glowing new skin underneath.

For the Foot & Body Scrubs-
While in the shower or bath, grab a dollop of the scrub, massage into your skin (from neck to toes) in a circular motion. Take extra care on those long gorgeous legs and -don’t forget the Tush- who doesn’t love a Silky Tushie? 

For the Hand Scrubs-

Wendala’s Sugar Hand Scrubs are exfoliating lotions in the form of a sugar scrub. The water, activates the scrub, the sugar dissolves, and the butters melt in to your skin.” Grab a small bit - like a quarter- put into your palms, add water - Mushy-Mush, Washy-Wash..

And don’t forget to “ Throw the Hips in”!!

Live. Laugh. Scrub.
