What is a Sugar Scrub and how do I use it? I had never heard of one till’ the day I got too much of a suntan. I asked my makeup artist friend if she had a “too tan” remedy (backstory- I had an audition for some TV thing- and too tan is a No No. Anyhoo- she told me to mix some sugar and coconut oil together and rub it all over myself in the shower- Wow- was that a good time! That felt amazing! I felt as soft as a baby seal except without the fish breath. I was hooked- but still tan. Oh well - no acting career for me but at least now I know what a Sugar Scrub is! That particular Sugar Scrub was a basic but here are some other ingredients commonly found in a lot of sugar scrubs on the market these days • Sugar-duh- hence the name…Sugar Scrub. Sugar is a natural humectant- that means it draws moisture from its surroundings and gears it toward your skin when you rub it in. Sugar also does it’s thing as an exfoliant, lifting and buffing the old icky yucky dead skin cells (don’t you feel like you’re going through a car wash?) that have no business hanging around on your perfect extremely sexy bod’. • Coconut Oil -Easily smooths into skin keeping skin hydrated which helps to reduce the dry skin we all get from living our best life. • Shea Butter- Shea Butter is a fat - ugh - there’s a word- isn’t it crazy how good fat can be for you when you put it on the outside of your body?😂😂 Really though- it’s a fat from the Shea nut - oh great fat and a nut - now I’m just describing myself 😂. This stuff for me, is amazing- i schmear it raw right on my face- but that’s another article. Shea butter is chock full of Vitamins A and E- you know what that means? ANTIOXIDANT They help to protect your skin cells from stuff that can lead to dull looking skin. Some folks also proclaim Shea Butter to have anti aging properties but I’m no Dr. so I ain’t sayin’ yay or nay.- (but like I said I put it on my face😊. Some of the “Better” scrubs also contain other oils in addition to the Coconut Oil. Some examples are Jojoba Seed Oil -pronounced- Ho Ho Ba, Sunflower Seed Oil and Argan Oil. These all have big amounts of Vitamin E and Omega 6 fatty acids (again with the fat😂) These particular fatty acids help keep skin hydrated, plumper (in a good way) and bright eyed and bushy tailed. Sugar Scrubs are best when applied from the neck to the ankles in a circular motion. They should be used in the shower or the bathtub because they need water so that the sugar melts into your skin and the moisturizing oils spread all over your gorgeousness. Note to self- try not to let a lot of water settle into the container- close it up when your done and consider using a serving vessel 🚢- not a cruise ship- a spoon will suffice. Oh - one more thing- since Sugar Scrubs are oil based they tend to “melt” around 75° so outside showers may not be the best option for storing Happy Scrubbing!! #SmartGirlsLoveaGood Scrub